
[에세이] Trouble [0002]

올라씨 Elena._. 2012. 6. 12. 23:32

I am so angry. Many situations is based on my stress. I was tried to overcome about it. But there are so many emotions. I don't know how to out . Do you know?

And i am tired  but i always like my job. Cast my mind back to the past, My life satisfied me. Although almost everyday is busy and i serve every-day needs,. What was you dream? & What was i dream?

I will welcome a lot of troubles, sufferings like for many years to come. But time reveal all things. I will know what the time seems to float in and out for my life. And I will understand like that. Live life well because the past irretrievable and I will learn that the past is a valuable. 

2012. 06. 12. Tuesday 
